Common Research Facilities
Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University
3-1-1 Maidashi, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8582, JAPAN
TEL +81-92-642-6814
FAX +81-92-642-6246

Research Promotion Unit 【Laboratory of Embryonic and Genetic Engineering, Advanced Research Initiative, Laboratory of Data Analysis and Infrastructure】


Support services and common equipment are available for users outside the Medical Institute of Bioregulation in the following cases.

Notice: We are not currently accepting new applications for the Laboratory of Embryonic and Genetic Engineering.

  • When collaborating with laboratories in the Medical Institute of Bioregulation.
    • Both on-campus and off-campus are acceptable.
    • Please use the service through the person in charge of the laboratory in the Medical Institute of Bioregulation.
  • Apply directly to the Advanced Research Initiative.
    • Only within Kyushu University.
    • Please use the inquiry form to contact us.