第843回 生医研セミナー(多階層生体防御システム研究拠点)

下記の通り、Mathias Francois 先生によるセミナーを開催します。皆様のご来聴を心より歓迎致します。

※セミナーは英語で行われます。(Seminar in English)

演題 / Title

Deciphering transcriptional mechanisms to drug them: a path from development to rare diseases

演者 / Speaker

Mathias Francois, Ph.D.
University of Sydney School of Medical Science and The Centenary Institute

日時 / Date

2024年3月6日(水) / Mar. 6 (Wed), 2024

場所 / Venue

病院キャンパス 総合研究棟 1階 セミナー室105

Seminar Room 105, 1F, Biomedical Research Station, Hospital Campus
No.34 on the following linked map.
Campus Map

要 旨 / Abstract

Despite a growing catalogue of secreted factors critical for tissue assembly during organogenesis, little is known about the mechanisms that modulate the expression level of these molecular cues in blood vascular endothelial cells . Recent work from the laboratory has uncovered multiple roles for endothelial cells as tissue organiser which coordinate the growth and morphogenic process of the lymphatic vascular network and cardiac tissue. In this talk, I will highlight the importance of an endothelial specific transcription factor that coordinates paracrine signalling and cell to cell interactions to instruct cardiac tissue formation. Our findings reveal that the endothelium has the potential to contribute to the aetiology of left ventricular non compaction and offer new research directions to improve the early detection of this heart disease.
Further, I will show a novel molecular strategy that is efficient to interfere with transcription factors activity to perturb vascular outgrowth in pre-clinical model systems. Using this new strategy we have identified FDA-approved drugs that has been successfully repurposed to manage two rare vascular disorders in human and infantile hemangiomas. Our work provides a proof of therapeutic utility for a novel strategy to inhibit transcription factor activity, re-establishing transcription factors as a viable class of molecular targets for small molecules in therapeutic settings.

参考論文 / References

  1. E.S. Wong et al.
    Deep conservation of the enhancer regulatory code in animals. Science , 2022.
  2. C.T. Seebauer et al.
    Non–beta blocker enantiomers of propranolol and atenolol inhibit vasculogenesis in infantile hemangioma. J. Clin. Invest. , 2022.
  3. I.K.N. Chiang et al.
    The blood vasculature instructs lymphatic patterning in a SOX7-dependent manner. EMBO J. , 2023.

連絡先 / Contact

生体防御医学研究所 高深度オミクスサイエンスセンター 遺伝子発現動態学分野
落合 博
092 (642) 6882

Division of Gene Expression Dynamics,
Medical Research Center for High Depth Omics,
Medical Institute of Bioregulation
Hiroshi Ochiai
TEL: 092 (642) 6882