第717回 生医研セミナー(多階層生体防御システム研究拠点)

下記の通り、Philippe KOURILSKY先生によるセミナーを開催致します。


An alternative conception of immunity, self and non-self.
(Seminar in English)


Dr. Philippe KOURILSKY
Professor Emeritus at the Collège de France
Honorary Director-General of the Pasteur Institute,
Member of the French Academy of Sciences


2016年 6月14日(火) June 14 (Tue), 2016


病院キャンパス内 生体防御医学研究所 本館1階 会議室

Seminar Room, Main Building 1F, Medical Institute of Bioregulation
No.24 on the following linked map.


Infectious agents are not the only agressors, and the immune system is not the sole defender of the organism. In an enlarged perspective, the ‘normative self model’ postulates that a ‘natural defense system’ protects man and other complex organisms against the environmental and internal hazards of life, including infections and cancers. It involves multiple error detection and correction mechanisms that confer robustness to the body at all levels of its organization. According to the model, the self relies on a set of physiological norms, and NONself (meaning : Non Obedient to the Norms of the self) is anything ‘off-norms’. The natural defense system comprises a set of ‘civil defenses’ (to which all cells in organs and tissues contribute), and a ‘professional army ‘, made of a smaller set of mobile cells. Mobile and non mobile cells differ in their tuning abilities. Tuning extends the recognition capabilities of NONself by the mobile cells, which increase their defensive function. To prevent them to drift, which would compromise self/NONself discrimination, the more plastic mobile cells need to periodically refer to the more stable non mobile cells to keep within physiological standards.


  1. Philippe Kourilsky
    The natural defense system and the normative self model [version 1; referees: 2 approved]
    F1000Research 5:797, 2016. (doi: 10.12688/f1000research.8518.1)


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