第714回 生医研セミナー(多階層生体防御システム研究拠点)

下記の通り、Suzanne Pfeffer先生のセミナーを二部構成で行なうことになりました。

Pfeffer先生は、2013年ノーベル医学・生理学賞受賞者の一人、J. Rothman 教授の下で学位取得後、一貫して哺乳動物細胞のゴルジ複合体の生成とその調節機構に関する研究の第一人者として御活躍中です。



2016年 3月 30日(水)14:30~17:20


馬出キャンパス 生体防御医学研究所 本館1階 会議室


Suzanne Pfeffer, Ph.D.
Professor & Chairman, School of Medicine - Biochemistry, Stanford University, USA


演  題 “Getting enough cholesterol—into the cell and out of lysosomes”
要  旨Most cells obtain cholesterol by endocytosis of LDL particles that carry cholesterol esters to lysosomes. Within lysosomes, the esters are cleaved and the liberated cholesterol is exported to the cytoplasm for cellular use. Although cholesterol should be able to freely diffuse into and across the lysosome membrane, at least two proteins, NPC1 and NPC2, are required to help mediate this transfer. In this lecture, I will describe our recent work that seeks to understand how and why NPC1 and NPC2 proteins must cooperate to mediate cholesterol export. In the intestine, a related protein, NPC1L1, mediates the uptake of dietary cholesterol; it is the target of the drug, Ezetimibe. We are also studying how this membrane protein helps us obtain cholesterol from the diet.


演  題「Progress100:若手研究者育成フォーラム」
概  要In this lecture, I will talk about my career in science, and what my life as a scientist has meant to me. What did I learn most from my Ph.D. and postdoc advisors? What advice can I offer to young people seeking to pursue a life of science? What were the best parts and what were the biggest challenges? Every lab has their own mottos, and I will share with you some of the mottos that guide our work. I will also be happy to answer questions.


藤木 幸夫 092-642-4232 (秘書 6341)