第690回 生医研セミナー(多階層生体防御システム研究拠点)

下記の通り、IGBMC (フランス・ストラスブール)の石内崇士博士によるセミナーを開催致します。


Epigenetic control of totipotency
(seminar in English)


石内 崇士 博士 Dr. Takashi Ishiuchi
IGBMC (フランス・ストラスブール) ポスドク
Institut de genetique et de biologie moleculaire et cellulaire (IGBMC), Strasbourg, France


2015年 2月19日(木) Feb. 19 (Thu), 2015


九州大学 病院キャンパス内 生体防御医学研究所 本館1階 会議室

Seminar Room, 1F, Main Building, Medical Institute of Bioregulation
No.23 on the following linked map.


In mammals, the terminally differentiated sperm and oocyte fuse to create a totipotent zygote upon fertilisation. The mechanisms underlying the epigenetic reprogramming towards totipotency that follows fertilisation are not fully understood, and the molecular features of totipotent cells remain scarce. Embryonic cells remain totipotent only for a restricted time window. During this time, embryonic cells are characterised by an atypical chromatin structure and reactivation of specific families of retrotransposons. Recently, it was reported that totipotent-like cells arise in ES cell cultures in vitro. Like in the embryo, these cells are characterised by the expression of MERVL LTR retrotransposons. We have found that specific features of embryonic chromatin are also present in totipotent-like cells in vitro. Based on this analysis, we have begun to decipher key molecular regulators of repetitive elements. We will present our latest results that reveal a new role for chromatin integrity in promoting epigenetic reprogramming to generate totipotent-like cells.


  1. Ishiuchi, T. et al.
    Towards an understanding of the regulatory mechanisms of totipotency.
    Curr. Opin. Genet.Dev. 23, 512-518, 2013


生体防御医学研究所 エピゲノム制御学分野 佐々木 裕之
Division of Epigenomics and Development, MIB, Hiroyuki SASAKI