Common Research Facilities
Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University
3-1-1 Maidashi, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8582, JAPAN
TEL +81-92-642-6814
FAX +81-92-642-6246

Public call for collaborative research and research meeting for fiscal year 2021 (Start of the public call: October 2020)

Having been recognized as a Joint Usage/Research Center for the Multi-Stratified Host Defense System since April 1, 2010, the Medical Institute of Bioregulation (MIB), Kyushu University has been promoting collaborative research with researchers involved in host-defense studies.
We publicly call for research proposals for fiscal year 2021.

Guidelines for Applicants

Collaborative research

We call for collaborative research proposals on the following four research fields. The available facilities and research support service for each field are listed (Attachment). For information on facilitators, please see the following link (Laboratory List):
ThemesProject typeDownload
1. Genomics, Epigenomics and Transcriptomics
(1) Instrument usage type project
(expenses related to the use of instruments are provided)
(2) Collaborative research type project
(travel and accommodation expenses only)
2. Proteomics and Metabolomics
3. Structural Biology
4. Embryonic and Genetic Engineering
*Each research group is not allowed to apply two or more collaborative research projects per year, and the same application title must not be used more than 2 years.

Research meetings

We publicly call for proposals for meetings focusing on information exchange and presentation of research results among researchers involved in host-defense studies, or meetings for planning collaborative research among such researchers.

Eligibility for Applicants

Researchers belong to universities, national or public institutions, or equivalent institutions

Period of Research

From April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022

How to Apply

Please fill out the application form and send it to the address (see "Contact" below) by e-mail. You MUST discuss the details of the collaboration with the facilitator of the MIB, before sending your completed application form.

Application Deadline

February 19, 2021.
*We may accept your application even after the application deadline. Please contact the facilitator of the MIB or the contact person (see "Contact" below) in advance. In case that we stop accepting applications, we will notify in this webpage.

Screening Results

Once the review committee has made a decision to either accept or reject the application, applicants will be informed of the result as soon as possible.

Report of the Research Results

Please submit a report describing the progress and results of the research once the study has been completed. If you are going to publish a paper based on the results of the study, please acknowledge the facilities of our institute that you have used. The sentence is as follows:
“This work was partly performed in the Cooperative Research Project Program of the Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University.”
In addition, please submit a copy of the reprint of the paper.


Akira Nagashima / Miho Ohta (contact person)

General Affairs Section, Academic Research Cooperation Division,
Administrative Office (Medical Sciences, Dental Science and Pharmaceutical Sciences),
Kyushu University

Tel: +81-92-642-6672; Fax: +81-92-642-6776