第642回 生医研セミナー(多階層生体防御システム研究拠点)


既存の標準療法抵抗性のがん症例に対して、免疫細胞療法が実施される例が急増していますが、その有効性については確認されていません。Natural Killer(NK)細胞療法は古典的な免疫細胞療法として古くから実施されてきましたが、その臨床的有用性は現段階では必ずしも明らかではありません。高麗大学 Lee教授らは、この度、新たなフィーダー細胞を用いることにより抗腫瘍効果の高いNK細胞を高効率に培養することに成功しました。 今回のセミナーでは先生のこれまでのご研究内容に加え、本研究成果をご発表頂きます。皆様のご参加をお待ちします。

演題 A Novel Method to Generate Highly Cytotoxic Human NK Cells for the treatment of Cancer(seminar in English)

演者Kyung-Mi Lee
Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Korea University Medical School


場所馬出医学系キャンパス内 生体防御医学研究所 本館1階 会議室

要旨 Adoptive NK cell therapy offers an effective treatment regimen for cancer patients whose disease is refractory to conventional therapy. NK cells can kill a wide range of tumor cells by patterned recognition of target ligands. We hypothesized that tumor targets sensitive to NK lysis would drive vigorous expansion of NK cells from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). Here we provide the basis for developing a novel ex vivo expansion process. By screening class I-negative or -mismatched tumor cell lines we identified a lymphoblast subline termed KL-1 which was highly effective in specifically expanding NK cells. KL-1 addition to PBMC cultures achievedup to 130-fold expansion of NK cells with over 90% purity, accompanied by reciprocal inhibition of T cell growth. Marked elevations in expression of activation receptors, natural cytotoxicity receptors (NKp30, NKp44) and adhesion molecules (CD11a, ICAM-1) were associated with high tumor lytic capacity, in both in vitro and in vivo animal models. KL-1-mediated expansion of NK cells was contact-dependent and required interactions with CD16, the Fcγ receptor on NK cells, with ligands that are expressed on B cells. Indeed, B cell depletion during culture abrogated selective NK cell expansion, whereas addition of EBV-transformed B cells further augmented NK expansion up to 740-fold. Together, our studies define a novel method for efficient activation of human NK cells that employs KL-1-lysed tumor cells and co-cultured B cells, which drive a robust expansion of potent anti-tumor effector cells that will be useful for clinical evaluation.

連絡先生体防御医学研究所 ゲノム病態学分野
谷 憲三朗

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