第 621 回生医研セミナー(多階層生体防御システム研究拠点)

この度、フランスIGBMCのMaria Elena Torres-Padilla先生に生体防御医学研究所でのセミナーをお願い致しました。このセミナーでは、マウス初期胚におけるNanog遺伝子の興味深い挙動についてお話いただきます。最近Natureに報告された仕事で、筆頭著者は九大薬学部出身の宮成悠介くんです。ご来聴を歓迎致します。

演題Epigenetic mechanisms in early mammalian development.
(seminar in English)

演者Dr. Maria Elena Torres-Padilla
Department of Stem Cell and Developmental Biology,
IGBMC Strasbourg, France

日時平成24年5月30日(水)  May 30 (Wed), 2012

場所馬出医学系キャンパス内 生体防御医学研究所 本館1階会議室

Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Main Building 1F, Seminar Room
No.21 on the following linked map

要旨 Pluripotency is established through genome-wide reprogramming during mammalian preimplantation development, resulting in the formation of the pluripotent naïve epiblast. Reprogramming involves both the resetting of epigenetic marks and the activation of pluripotent-cell specific genes like Nanog and Pou5f1/Oct4. We have found that Nanog –but not Oct4- is monoallelically expressed in early preimplantation embryos. Nanog then undergoes a progressive switch to biallelic expression during the transition towards the ground-state pluripotency in the naïve epiblast of late blastocysts. Live-cell imaging with reporter ES cells confirmed the allelic expression of Nanog and revealed allele switching. Biallelic expression of Nanog is associated with increased recruitment of mediator and cohesin and is independent of DNA methylation. Nanog heterozygous blastocysts display reduced inner cell mass (ICM) derivatives and delayed primitive endoderm formation indicating a role for biallelic expression of Nanog in the timely maturation of the ICM into a fully reprogrammed pluripotent epiblast. We suggest that the tight regulation of Nanog dose at the chromosome level is necessary for acquisition of ground-state pluripotency during development.

  1. Miyanari, Y et al. Control of ground-state pluripotency by allelic regulation of Nanog. Nature 483, 470-473, 2012

連絡先生体防御医学研究所 エピゲノム学分野 佐々木 裕之
Division of Epigenomics, MIB, Hiroyuki SASAKI

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