第743回 生医研セミナー(多階層生体防御システム研究拠点)

下記の通り、Ramanujan S. Hegde 先生によるセミナーを開催致します。

Hegde 先生は、これまで「新生タンパク質の細胞内輸送と局在化」領域の研究分野において独創的かつ卓越した研究を推進されてきています。特に、サイトゾールにおける新規合成タンパク質の輸送と品質管理の分子メカニズム研究では、世界トップの研究者として大きく貢献しておいでです。また、この機会に本領域研究の面白さに加えて自身のresearch philosophyやthe importance of training abroadなど、意見交換等と共に語って頂きます。



2017年6月8日(木)  Jun. 8 (Thu), 2017
15:30 ~17:30


馬出キャンパス内 総合研究棟1階 105(セミナー室)

Seminar Room 105, 1F, Biomedical Research Station
No.1 on the following linked map.


Ramanujan S. Hegde 博士
Programme Leader, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge,
United Kingdom


Mechanisms of protein quality control in the cytosol

要 旨

A large proportion of the cell’s proteins must be segregated to membrane-bound organelles and multi-protein complexes. Failures in localization or assembly must be recognized by the cell and promptly degraded to avoid the accumulation of aberrant and potentially harmful proteins. Our group has taken a biochemical strategy to identify cytosolic factors that recognize mislocalized or unassembled proteins, and used reconstitution approaches to understand how they function. I will describe efforts over the past several years that have led to the discovery of new chaperone-like factors that prevent aggregation of mis-localized proteins and selectively target them for degradation. These factors are likely to play crucial roles in maintaining cytosolic protein homeostasis, and when mutated, may contribute to diseases of protein misfolding such as neurodegeneration.


Yanagitani, K., Juszkiewicz, S., and Hegde, R.S. (2017) UBE2O is a quality control factor for orphans of multi-protein complexes. Submitted.

Shao, S., Rodrigo-Brenni, M.C., Kivlen, M.H., and Hegde, R.S. (2017) Mechanistic basis for a molecular triage reaction. Science, 355:298-302.

Itakura, E., Zavodszky, E., Shao, S., Wohlever, M.L., Keenan, R.J., and Hegde, R.S. (2016) Ubiquilins chaperone and triage mitochondrial membrane proteins for degradation. Mol. Cell, 63:21-33.

Rodrigo-Brenni, M.C., Gutierrez, E., and Hegde, R.S. (2014) Cytosolic quality control of mislocalized proteins requires RNF126 recruitment to Bag6. Mol. Cell, 55:227-237.

Hessa, T., Sharma, A., Mariappan, M., Eshleman, H.D., Gutierrez, E., and Hegde, R.S. (2011) Protein targeting and degradation are coupled for elimination of mislocalized proteins. Nature, 475:394-7.


生体防御医学研究所 オルガネラホメオスタシス研究室
藤木 幸夫 092-642-4232 (秘書 6341)